Do you want to sell heating foil under your brand? Contact a Termofol expert who will present you the terms of future cooperation. What pattern do you want to put on the foil? What colours? What power, size and length per roll? Together we will find answers!
After determining the details, we begin preparations for production. We present the graphic design of your heating foil so you can see what it will look like.
Sending samples
Before we start large-scale production, we will provide you with a sample of your heating foil. You will be able to see for yourself what your product will look like.
Przesłanie próbek
Zanim rozpoczniemy produkcję na dużą skalę, dostarczymy Ci próbkę Twojej folii grzewczej. Będziesz mógł się przekonać na żywo, jak będzie wyglądał Twój produkt.
Podpisanie umowy
To dobry moment na ostatnie uwagi i poprawki. Im więcej ich przekażesz, tym lepiej będziemy mogli przygotować Twój produkt. Kolejnym krokiem jest podpisanie umowy na produkcję folii grzewczej.
Signing a contract
This is a good time for final comments and corrections. The more information you provide, the better we will be able to prepare your product. The next step is to sign a contract for the production of heating foil.
Foil production
After signing the contract, we can start producing the heating foil in our factory. See the individual stages of heating foil production.
The final stage is delivery. When the foil is ready and tested, it goes to the delivery location you choose, and you can start selling your heating foil.